martes, 16 de marzo de 2010


This work is to show what is currently happening in the world and what will happen unless we act.


1.-What is global warming?

-The global warming is the increase of
temperatures usually caused by pollutants. This is a phenome
non that results in greenhouse gases and various natural disas
ters as a result, such as: rising sea levels, floods, forest area
destrucion ...

2.-What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?

-The trash sent to landfills produces a greenhouse gas called methane. Methane is also
produced by the animals we raise for dairy products and meat and when we take the coal
from the earth. Every time you drive or ride we are adding greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere. And when the factories manufacture the goods we consume habitualmente are
also producing greenhouse gases scientists believe invernadero. The things that people do
contribullen also the greenhouse effect.
Some actions that help the greenhouse effect: burn fossil fuels, gas such as coal, oil and
wood. Besides the tropical deforestation in excess upset this balance.

3.-What signs warn us about global warmming?

-That the sea level becomes higher. Since a higher
climate makes glaciers melt to increase the sea level.
This will affect both natural systems and structures.
Man-made along the coast. Coastal flooding could
cause saltwater to flow into areas where salt is harmful,
threatening plants and animals in those areas.
Also the felling of trees in excess lets you see many
wood land plant discovered.

4.-Can you quote another term for global warming?

- Effect caused by rising global temperatures. Other name for global warming is: natural
climate variability.

5.-Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality?

-The Earth suffers natural disasters that no one can remedy such as volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes... But consumption without concern human destructive
addiction, helps to increase at a high rate of occurrence of such disasters as this entail to
global warming to accelerate its process and we are now seeing climate changes in the
landscape, in the climate, etc.. In the video states that if we continue like it too elavad
temperature, time will end and will not have a middle ground which we are accustomed to
storms, floods, rising sea levels and more things will become normal in our lives and we
agree with it. We believe that the video talks about realistic things and although not an do
today, will so in the very distant future unless we act immediately.

*What can we do to stop global warming? Five ideas are:
1.-Planting more trees would also heps increase the oxygen supply.
2.-Reduce the burning of fossil fuels and use others sources such as solar wind and wave energy .
3.-To use sources of enegía renewable.
4.-Don't flush toxic wastes into the sea.
5.-Try to recycle everything possible.


-Patricia Naya Barreiro.
-Dennís Iglesias Rodríguez.

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